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Transmission rates and planning

Transmission rates

Transmission rates cover the cost of moving energy from generating facilities to our customers. Black Hills Power and Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power makes three (3) transmission rate filings each year.

black hills basin


Transmission planning

We responsibly plan, construct and maintain a reliable electric transmission and sub-transmission system serving portions of Montana, Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota.

The transmission planning process is an ongoing assessment of the adequacy of the transmission system over a wide range of future scenarios. We closely coordinate with our neighboring entities and affected stakeholders. Variations in these scenarios are attributed to load forecasts, proposed new generation, transmission outages and planned transmission expansion projects. The product of this planning process is a 10-year transmission plan that contains projects identified to provide reliable service to our customers.

Stakeholder outreach

We recognize the importance of stakeholder involvement throughout the transmission planning process. We consider a stakeholder to be any person, group, or entity that has an expressed interest in participating in the planning process, is affected by the transmission plan, or can provide meaningful input to the process that may affect the development of the final plan.

Stakeholders are encouraged to participate in our transmission planning through the regular meetings held by the Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee as part of the annual study process under FERC Order No. 890. The TCPC is an advisory committee consisting of individuals or entities that are interested in providing input to the Black Hills Transmission Plan. The TCPC study process consists of a comprehensive evaluation of the Black Hills and surrounding transmission systems for critical scenarios throughout the 10-year planning horizon.